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Fight Club

To begin with, I will break the first rule of fight club.

Fight Club is a 1999 virtue film directed by David Fincher and based on Chuck Palahniuk's 1996 novel of the same name. The narrator, along with the enigmatic non-conformist Tyler Durden, creates an underground fight club that allows its members to assuage their hatred and unhappiness through violence. The film stars Edward Norton, Brad Pitt and Helena Bonham Carter.

David Flincher, the film director

Click here to access his filmography!

When it was released, Fight Club was a commercial failure in the United States but made more money internationally.

It received mixed reviews from the press, because of the many interpretations that could be made and remains one of the most and remains one of the most controversial films of the 1990s.

However, the commercial success came when the film was released in DVD format. It has since been considered a cult film. The film begins with a jump forward showing the main character having a gun stuck in his mouth and whose voice can be heard in an inner monologue recalling how he got there.

Excerpt from the scene in question

The narrator is a recall technician for a defective car plant of a major brand.

Single, disillusioned with life, in need of pleasure, suffering from chronic insomnia, and looking for a way out of monotony.

Her doctor refused to help her with her medication, advising her to join a group discussing various ailments and conditions to put her distressing condition into perspective.

Thus, the narrator joins a group of testicular cancer victims and realizes that pretending to be a victim that pretending to be a victim can make him feel alive and cure his insomnia.

He loved it and decided to join other support groups.

Excerpt from the scene with the doctor

It is then that he meets Tyler Durden on his return from a business trip. He is a charismatic soap salesman who has left him his business card.

Back home, the narrator finds that his apartment has been destroyed by an explosion.

He decides to call Tyler and the two meet at Lou's Tavern pub.

Their discussion of consumerism leads to the narrator being invited to spend the night at Taylor's. After leaving the bar, Taylor offers to beat him up. Hesitant at first, the narrator decides to hit him.

A fight ensues between them, which he found particularly enjoyable. Tyler then takes him to the dilapidated house where he lives, where the narrator will soon live.

Over the next few days, the 2 men developed a habit of fighting in the back of the bar, which eventually got the attention of some customers who asked to join.

Tyler and the narrator then decide to form Fight Club, an all-male circle centered on extremely violent fights that take place in the basement of a bar.

The Fight Club has one and only one rule: DO NOT TALK ABOUT THE FIGHT CLUB, a rule I decided to break today.

Picture of the Fight Club

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